Dixie D’Amelio Dating Josh Richards ? – Dixie D’Amelio Officially Confirms

Is Dixie D’Amelio Dating Josh Richards ? Noah beck appeared to be triggered by his ex Dixie D’Amelio caught on dates with his former roommate Josh Richards . Noah has just unfollowed his account with Dixie from his spam account following Dixie and Josh being caught on what looks like dates. Previously Noah and Dixie assured fans that they would remain friends after they split but now it looks like there might be some bad blood between this former couple after Josh and Dixie were caught on what looked like dates. Noah seemed to respond by tweeting a quote – never Revenge let them realize.

It appears that Noah unfollowing Dixie and his cryptic tweet seems to be in response to Josh and Dixie being spotted at the Super Bowl together on what appeared to be a double date with Dixie’s sister Charlie D’Amelio and Charli’s boyfriend Landon Barker. This special moment followed another sighting the night before the Super Bowl where Dixie and Josh were seen on what looked like another date at the Sports Illustrated event together and that is when Noah first appeared to respond to the situation with his Shady tweet.

Noah and Josh used to live together as they were both part of the sway house. Prior to dating Noah Dixie was dating Josh and Noah’s other roommate and sway brother Griffin Johnson. Prior to Dixie and Josh being spotted on what looks like dates Josh addressed these rumors that he and Dixie were dating after fans noticed they’ve been liking each other’s posts and Dixie was at Josh’s birthday party and even hosted the after party at her house when asked on his podcast BFFs what’s going on between him and Dixie Josh said – ” I think we’re just friends.”

Does Dixie D’Amelio’s Mom hate Josh Richards?

Dixie called out josh for not saying hi to her dad on father’s day. Dixie also claimed that her mom Heidi D’Amelio has a grudge against josh for some reason as Dixie explained on the podcast my mom is like a person who holds grudges. While asking why Dixie’s mom holds grudges and asks josh if Heidi has a grudge against him and if this is why Dixie and josh stop being friends and Dixie and josh look at each other unsure if they should spill the tea . We all got that feeling of oh something’s going on there.  I mean this is super awkward and also hilarious you know they’re both kind of chuckling under their breath it’s uncomfortable situation um if I know a mom that holds a grudge .

We’re going to find out what happened. Dixie responds with that they can’t really explain this grudge as she says if we get into it , it opens a whole new world. Josh then says he’s sorry if he did anything on his end to cause this alleged grudge . Josh mentioned a time they were at dinner and Heidi asked josh to take a photo of everyone as he said it was like the whole dinner and everyone’s getting in the photo and she was like you take the photo it sounds like josh was a little hurt that Heidi didn’t want him to be in this picture and asked josh to take it instead of asking someone like a waiter to snap the shot. We’ve all been in that moment where there’s a group photo going on and someone hands you the camera. I know why josh would feel a little sad and hurt from that but I know that Heidi definitely had a reason to do that so.  Then Dixie explains that this dinner was on father’s day and when josh walked in to join this dinner he didn’t even look at Dixie’s dad Mark.  Josh denies this saying I totally said hey but then josh admits that he was also kind of nervous because he was pretty sure everyone hated me there. So to be clear this alleged grudge is not about Heidi asking josh take a photo that is just proof she has a grudge towards him. As for what this grudge is about Josh and Dixie both remained tight-lipped and wouldn’t say .

Is Josh Richards & Dixie D’Amelio’s Relationship For Publicity?

Is Josh Richards and Dixie dimilio’s relationship for PR . Some fans and T Pages seem to think that Josh Richards and Dixie dimilio’s rumored relationship could just be for PR and isn’t real Josh and Dixie were just spotted having what looked like an intimate candle at dinner with Dixie’s parents Mark and Heidi demilio which of course had fans flipping out at first.

 Josh also recently made Dixie the thumbnail for his YouTube short from his birthday and we know the after party was at Dixie’s house and Josh was pretty Coy when he was asked on his podcast BFFs who he sent flowers to on Valentine’s Day. It turns out that this intimate dinner with Dixie and Josh wasn’t going to meet the parents kind of situation. According to Michael rubin’s Instagram post, this dinner was his reform dinner and Kim Kardashian was a speaker.

Another shot from this dinner reveals a camera filming this intimate Gathering making fans think this dinner will either be featured on the Kardashians or the dimelios reality shows both of which are on Hulu. Then Bryce Hall called out Josh while the two were live claiming that Josh’s relationship with Dixie is a publicity stunt and Josh pretended not to hear Bryce and it seems like fans are agreeing that this Dixie and Josh relationship could be fake and for PR as top comments on a post about the situation read –  Josh is the perfect person to use for PR because he will do anything for clout LMAO and also it’s so obvious. It’s PR the most random and awkward pairing.

Author: Peter

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